Thursday, 29 August 2013


terlalu rindu untuk melayani seperti dulu, tapi saya tahu keadaan itu macam mana. Saya tidak tahu apa perlu buat, saya mahu melayani bersama kamu tapi saya seperti rasa mcm tidak kena allow oleh kamu biarpun sya tahu kamu tidak. saya tahu, melayani itu lah bukan suka-suka tapi hati saya kosong dan saya tidak tahu kenapa. dengan berdoa saya dpat perlahan-lahan kasih ok perasaan sendiri, terlalu banyak journey saya dengan kamu guys dalam nama Tuhan Yesus dan KasihNya. Terima kasih!

saya berharap,dapat lagi bersama-sama kamu semua kawan2 seiman, selamat maju jaya,selamat melayani dan TUHAN MEMBERKATI. 


HI, biarpun baru berapa lama kenal dengan kau.,hehe tapi baik nya kau dengan saya kan? berkawan juga kau dengan orang macam saya ni, hehe. apa-apa pun selamat hari jadi yang keberapa ni? haha, semoga selalu sihat dan good luck untuk apa yang ko buat sekarang, kejar lah impian ko untuk capai cita-cita. kasih bangga keluarga kau abg, ko boleh tu ! hahah. Terima kasih bagi saya nasihat dan kawan dengan saya, sangat hargai itu ! emm, saya anggap ko macam abg sendiri suda abg, tQ n TQ :)
this is actually a very good guy to know, hehe. I have no gift for your birthday, this is only just afford. Happy birthday (:


NAME: Bruno Mars
 OCCUPATION: Songwriter, Singer
 BIRTH DATE: October 08, 1985 (Age: 27)
 EDUCATION: Roosevelt High School
 FULL NAME: Peter Gene Hernandez
 AKA: Peter Hernandez
 AKA: Bruno Mars
 AKA: Pete Hernandez

 Early Life Born Peter Gene Hernandez on October 8, 1985, in Honolulu, Hawaii, popular singer-songwriter Bruno Mars grew up in a very musical family. His father, Pete, was a Latin percussionist from Brooklyn, and his mother, Bernadette ("Bernie"), was a singer. Mars received his nickname, "Bruno," while he was still a baby. "The name Bruno came from baby times," older sister Jamie explained. "Bruno was always so confident, independent, really strong-willed and kind of a brute—hence the name Bruno—and it kind of just stuck." In Waikiki Beach, Mars's family performed a Las Vegas-style revue that included Motown hits, doo-wop melodies and celebrity impersonations. Growing up around entertainers, Mars began picking up musical instruments from early childhood. "I've always had a drum set, a piano, a guitar ... and never got trained to play. It was just always there," he later recalled. "That's just how I learned, just being surrounded by it my whole life." At the age of 4, he joined the family musical act as an Elvis impersonator and quickly become one of the stars of the show. He continued to perform with his family throughout his childhood, and as he approached adolescence he added Michael Jackson to his impersonation repertoire. Mars attended Roosevelt High School, where he and several friends formed a band, the School Boys, performing classic oldies hits alongside his family's act at the Ilikai Hotel in Honolulu. Mars credits his fearless stage presence to his unusual childhood. "Performing from such a young age just got me so comfortable on stage," he said. "Growing up performing—that was normal for me. Everyone in my family sings, plays instruments. It's what we do." After graduating from high school in 2002 at age 17, Mars decided to leave Hawaii for Los Angeles, California. Over his first few years in L.A., he struggled to make a breakthrough in the music industry. And especially because he had performed so frequently while growing up in Honolulu, Mars grew frustrated with waiting for his career to move forward. It was during this period that Mars first turned to songwriting. "I only started writing songs when I moved up to L.A. because when I was in Hawaii, I never really needed to," he recalled. "But it stemmed from just learning that you have to do everything by yourself. It's not like what you see in movies, where you walk into a record company and you're given all these great songs to sing. You have to write the song the world is going to want to hear and play it over and over again.


WHAT?? mesti bergegar ni kan sandakan ini, bah apa tidak Jom Heboh bah tu di sandakan,TERHEBOH lah ni sandakan ni. Tapi sadly, maybe tidak dapat join warga sabah ni berjom heboh.. but nevermind, nanti saya tengok live di tv3. HAHAHA XD mesti banyak artis tu kan? haha. saya harap tnampak Zizan nanti. mahu bergambar sama dia ,itu pun kalau saya terpergi lah . maklumlah, kurang member ajak bah. HAHA :D SELAMAT BERJOM HEBOH WARGA SABAH !


SELAMAT MENYAMBUT HARI MERDEKA MALAYSIA. UNTUNG TINGGAL MALAYSIA NI KAN? AMAN DAN DAMAI SAJA. HARAP BERKEKALAN LAH MACAM NI. AMEN !! salam perpaduan buat semua blogger, hehe. hargailah negara kita dan sayang la negara kita malaysia ni ya :D apa-apa pun proud to be malaysian and here i am stand as ANAK MALAYSIA. MERDEKA ! MERDEKA ! MERDEKA ! <3 <3